पीपल पथवारी की कथा | Peepal Pathwari Ki Kahani | Kartik Maas Ki Katha

एक बुढ़िया थी| उसने अपनी बहू से कहा तू दूध दही बेच के आ| वो बेचने गयी तो रास्ते में औरतें पीपल पथवारी सींच रही थी| उनको सींचता देखकर बहू ने पूछा की तुम ये क्या कर रही हो? औरतें बोली कि हम पीपल पथवारी सींच रही हैं| इससे अन्न धन होता है| बारह वर्ष का बिछड़ा हुआ पति मिल जाता है| बहू बोली अगर ऐसी बात है तो तुम पानी से सींचती हो तो मैं दूध से सीचुंगी| गुजरी बहू रोजाना दूध दही बेचने नहीं जाती वह रोजाना दूध तो पीपल में दही पथवारी में सीचती| सास दूध दही का डैम मांगती तो कह देती महिना पूरा हो जाने पर दूँगी कार्तिक का महीना पूरा हो गया| पूनो के दिन बहू पीपल पथवारी के पास जाकर बैठ गयी| पथवारी ने पूछा कि तू मेरे पास क्यूँ बैठ गयी| बहू बोली कि सास दूध दही के दाम मांगेगी| पीपल पथवारी बोली कि मेरे पास क्या दाम रखा है| ये भरा, डींडा पान पतूरा है इसको ले जा| बहू ने वही ले जाकर कोठरी में रख दिया और डर के मारे ओढ़ कर सो गयी|

सासू बोली बहू पैसे ला| बहू बोली, कोठरी में रखा है| सासू ने कोठरी खोल कर देखी तो हीरे मोती जगमगा रहे थे| सासू बोली बहू इतना धन कहाँ से लायी| बहू आकर देखती है तो सच्ची में धन भरा हुआ होता है| बहू ने सास को सारी बात बता दी| सास ने कहा अब की कार्तिक मैं भी पथवारी सीचुंगी| कार्तिक आया| सास दूध दही बेच आती| हांडी धोकर पीपल पथवारी में चढ़ा देती| आकर बहू से कहती दाम मांग| वह कहती सासू जी, कोई बहू भी दाम मांगती है| पर सासू कहती कि तू मांग| बहू बोली सासू जी पैसे लाओ तो वह पीपल पथवारी के पास जाकर बैठ गयी| पीपल पथवारी ने सास को पान पतूरा भारा डींडा दे दिया| उसने ले जाकर कोठरी में रख दिया| बहू खोलकर देखे तो उसमे कीड़े मकोड़े बिलबिला रहे हैं| बहू ने कहा सासू जी ये क्या? सास ने आकर देखा और बोलने लगी पीपल पथवारी तो बड़ी दोगली पटपीटन है| इसको तो धन दिया| मुझको कीड़ा मकोड़ा दिया| तब सब कोई बोलने लगी कि बहू तो सत कि भूखी सींचे थी| तुम धन कि भूखी| हे पथवारी माता जैसा बहू को दिया वैसा सबको दियो, सास को दिया वैसा किसी को मत दियो|

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Gmail’s Recall function

Anyone who frequently uses email is familiar with the heart palpitations that follow pressing the “send” button too quickly. Maybe you just discovered you overlooked a crucial detail, failed to attach a file, typed the recipient’s name incorrectly, or noticed an unsightly typo. As to what the case, these mishaps typically don’t require more than a short follow-up or explanation, but occasionally they can have serious consequences.

In fact, the necessity to remember emails has grown to be so prevalent that the leading providers of email have begun to create solutions. So what choices do you have? Can Gmail remember emails, or are you out of options?

You can perform the following.

It is crucial to keep in mind that there are no promises and that the procedure can be a little tricky. The receiver of the recalled email will be made aware of your action to recall it. You can alter a few settings to prevent this from happening again.

In Gmail, what does Undo-Send mean?

Theoretically, Gmail’s function isn’t named recall. The ability to undo the email you sent in Gmail is known as “Undo Send,” and it gives you a little time frame after sending it.

For a very little amount of time, Gmail gives you the option to cancel or undo sending an email. A minimum of 30 seconds can be set by you as the timer. So, you must take rapid action if you want to retrieve an email. You can recall an email in Gmail by following the procedures listed below. 

You will notice a little window after you’ve sent an email that says “Message sent” to “Undo,” but you must act quickly and tap on Undo to retrieve the email.

Unfortunately, once that period of time has passed and you’re trying to recall an email that has already been sent using Gmail, there is little you may do except start doing damage control.


  • Visit Gmail
  • Next, go to Settings and choose to See All Settings.
  • Go to the Menu bar now and select Undo Sending from the list. Change the Send canceling period (which by convention is set to five seconds) to the period of your choosing
  • Ensure that you save your modified settings.
  • Before moving on, compose yourself an email to check the functionality. A little box notifying you that your email has been sent and provide you with the opportunity to retrieve it will show up in the lower left-hand corner of your screen once you send it. Click “Undo” to go back and edit the email. The box will stay on the display for the amount of time you specified in your Gmail settings. This is the last time you can get it back.

The following prerequisites must be satisfied for the recall message to function.

  • You sent the email to one or more recipients inside of your own company.
  • Your company uses Microsoft Exchange as its server.
  • The email has not been read by the recipient yet.
  • The mail is still sitting in the inbox.

Restrictions of the Undo Send function in Gmail

The Undo Send function in Gmail isn’t ideal. Here are a few of its drawbacks for your consideration.

  • You can modify the timespan in which the Undo Send option is available. It Only Functions During That Window Of time 5, 10, 20, and 30 seconds are the available possibilities.
  • Email Must remain in the Inbox of the Receiver – The recalling feature only functions if the mail still exists in the inbox of the recipient. Emails that receivers have already read are extremely difficult to recall.
  • The Receiver is Alerted – The email’s recipient will be informed that you’ve tried to recall it. This implies that if you want to recall an email for delicate or private reasons, the receiver will be conscious of it.

Make certain that never occurs again.

Create a plan today to prevent this from happening again so you don’t have to Search “how else to delete an email” sometime.

  • Turn on Gmail’s “undo send” function right away and make it a company policy.
  • Check your email for errors three times, if necessary. Read it aloud if it helps, or take a pause and return to it later.
  • Use spellcheck at all times.

A conclusion

Emailing is a quick and practical way to communicate, but occasionally there are unpleasant “oops” instances when you accidentally transmit an email to the wrong address, forget to include a crucial attachment (like a Resume), or send an unfinished letter. In this situation, how would you unsend an email? This isn’t a frivolous query.

Can I cancel a mail submission? On average, yes. Regrettably, a lot of widely used mailing software and clients are powerless to repair the harm.

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The world has hardened in all aspects of survival and living. The economical dimension of the world has tremendously been outraged in the past few decades.

People from every tier of society commencing from the bottom-most poor people followed by mediocre people to the rich business tycoons, everybody is experiencing this sudden drift in the economical and financial features of the world.

Money is becoming pivotal to running even a basic life in this society. Making money is a whole new level of challenge in this competitive world. The available jobs have shrunken in number after the arrival of the hell Covid crisis. Even multinational companies have eliminated multiple people from their working atmosphere. People who had mediocre life at least has now fallen off the poverty line. 

As the negatives prevail in this environment, positives do lift heads here and there. As much as the official jobs have reduced, as much as that number of side hustles has raised.

Side hustles are one of the intelligent notions that a brilliant one will adapt to meet the ever-increasing requirement for money. Side hustles along with regular jobs would be a boon for the financial assurance of an individual. Any person who adapts to a side hustle that fits his extra skills will be fortunate enough to endure in the ever-increasingly pricing environment.

Here let me discuss five side hustles that are being underrated but would make huge extra money:

  1. Selling stuff online:

 People always have needs. Needs will always create demand. Demand can always be satisfied by availability. Availability can be maintained only when the need is kept on track and regular check.

If you have the skills to analyze and assess the commodities or services or whatever that is in demand among the people, then you can sell those stuff online and largely earn money.

But most people have not taken this side hustle seriously. This is because of not having proper knowledge about the tactics implied in selling online.

The first and foremost thing that has to be taken care of is a regular supply of the product that you would sell online. If the supply is interrupted at any point during shipment that would land you in loss or trouble.

The second thing to be kept in mind while purchasing the product for selling online is reduced price. Larger profits are always met when you purchase products at a lower price and sell it at higher prices.

Thirdly, the delivery facility that you provide should be economically healthy for your hustle at the same time it should not compromise the prompt delivery service.

Keeping these three aspects in mind would make you so successful in this side hustle.

Few platforms that would be useful for selling online are as follows:

  1. eBay
  2. Amazon
  3. Flipkart
  4. Shopify
  1. Affiliate marketing:

Marketing is the most important factor or strategy that would help a company or a firm or a retailer to sell an increased number of their products or services. Thus standard marketing is the utmost requirement of a successful company.

One kind of marketing is affiliate marketing where anyone can promote any product or service of any company or a firm or retailer and can gain profit when someone purchases that particular promoted product through the affiliated link that you provided.

The critical part of this side hustle is that it requires a good enlarged circle of people or social network where you can merchandise the product or service. But if you already possess or you can develop a huge people base, then this would be of great opportunity for affiliate marketing. It is a dual benefit side hustle as it pays both the retailer and affiliate.

Few platforms that support affiliate marketing programs are as follows:

  1. Amazon Affiliate Program
  2. Hubspot
  3. Fiverr
  4. Typeform
  5. Outgrow affiliate program
  1. Content writing:

As said already marketing is the important facet of any successful company, and content is the most important facet of any successful marketing. I hope you get it!

Yes, any kind of marketing becomes successful and reaches the target audience only when the message to be conveyed is given with appropriate content. So, any victorious company would hire a technically talented content writer. 

This content writing job can be a convenient side hustle when you do that as freelancing or part-time. Freelancing doesn’t require you to stay in a company’s place or atmosphere. You can work and write wherever and whenever you feel like. Just meet the deadlines provided by your hirer and produce commercially compelling content.

Content writing job has been underrated as the pay appears to be quite low compared to other side hustles. But still, it is a good option for students who wish to make their own pocket money or for homemakers who just want to stay connected with the job sector.

If you find it difficult to find freelance or part-time content writing jobs, you can find them here:

  1. Upwork
  2. Fiverr
  3. Freelancer
  4. Talent
  1. Virtual assistance:

A triumphant company or a firm would have put a lot of effort into planning and scheduling the events, which helped them to emerge successfully. Planning events, scheduling meetings, jotting down the things to be done, checking on stock availability, maintaining prompt delivery, and so on. All these activities require a proper individual specially dedicated to taking care of them. This kind of job is assistance. 

Earlier, this work would require the individual to stay in the office and handle it. But now in fast pacing technological world, these tasks can be handled from wherever you are online. This job is virtual assistance.

You can stay wherever you are and communicate the plans and schedules via phone or mail. You can provide your assistance virtually.

Virtual assistance is an underrated side hustle as it always a lot of planning and communication. But it’s worth the money. Stay at your place, plan, schedule, and execute it. Virtual assistants earn better money than full-time job holders.

  1. Driving:

It may appear can driving be a side hustle. Yes, of course. 

You might be a job runner who starts at some 9 am or something from your resident and reaches your office at some time. If so, you can register yourself in Uber or Rapido apps. These apps provide bike taxi facilities. You can register yourself as a bike rider and can pick up some customer who has to be dropped off on your way to the office. In the same way, when you return home you can just give a bike ride and earn.

This is a very comfortable side hustle as it doesn’t even need you to spare time to do these. It’s just on the way hustle. No specific time is required, no planning, and nothing. Do it whenever you are convenient and free. 

If you love to ride, just give a ride. That’s it.

Having got a dig on these underrated side hustles, just give it a try.

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kartik maas ki kahani 2022 || कार्तिक मास की कथा | kartik maas ki katha 2022 || कार्तिक मास की कहानी

एक ब्राह्मण ब्राह्मणी थे| सात कोस गंगा जमुना नहाने जाया करते थे| ब्राह्मणी बहुत थक जाती थी| एक दिन बोली बेटा होता तो बहू आती| घर में खाना बना हुआ मिलता, कपड़े धुले मिलते| ब्राह्मण बोला तूने बड़ी बात कही| ला मैं तेरे लिए बहू ला देता हूँ\ एक पोटली में चून बांध ड़े उसमे थोड़ी सी मोहर अशरफी डाल ड़े| उसने पोटली बांध दी| ब्राह्मण चल दिया| कुछ दूर पर जमुना जी के किनारे लड़कियां अपने-अपने मिट्टी के घर बनाकर खेल रहीं थी| उनमे से एक बोली मैं तो अपना घर नहीं बिगाडती| मुझे तो रहने को चाहिएगा| ब्राह्मण को वही लड़की मन भा गयी|

अपने मन में सोचने लगा यही एक समझदार सी लड़की है| वह उसके पीछे पीछे हो लिया| जब वह घर पहुंची तो बोला, बेटी मैं भूखा हूँ| अपनी माँ से पूछ ले मेरी चार रोटी पो देगी क्या? कार्तिक का महिना है मैं किसी के घर की रोटी नहीं खाता| मेरे पास यह चून है अपनी माँ को दे दियो और अपनी माँ से कह दियो कि चून छान लेंगी| अच्छी बात है बाबा उसने अपनी माँ से कहा कि माँ बाहर बाबा बैठा है उसकी रोटी बना दो और आटा छान लेना| उसने आटा छाना उसमे मोहर अशरफी निकली| वह बोली जिसके आटे में इतनी मोहर अशरफी हैं उसके घर में कितनी होंगी| जब बाबा रोटी खाने बैठा उसकी माँ बोली बाबा तुम लड़के की सगाई करने जा रहे हो| बाबा कहने लगा कि मेरा लड़का तो काशी जी पढ़ने गया हुआ है| अगर तुम कहो तो खंडे कटारे से तुम्हारी लड़की को ब्याह के ले जाऊँ| अच्छी बात है बाबा वो ब्याह कर ले गया|

आकर बोला रामू की माँ, किवाड़ खोल देख मैं तेरे लिए बहू लाया हूँ| बुढ़िया बोली दुनिया तो बोली मारे, तू भी बोल मर दे| हमारे तो सात जन्म भी बेटा नहीं है तो बहू कहाँ से आएगी| ना, तू किवाड़ तो खोल| उसने किवाड़ खोले देखा तो सामने बहू खड़ी है| सास आदर सत्कार से बहू को अंदर ले आई| बूढ़े बुढ़िया नहाने जाते | बहू सारा काम करती, खाना बनाती, कपड़े धोती रात को उनके पाँव दबाती| इस तरह से बहुत समय निकल गया| सास बोली बहू चूल्हे की आंच ना बुझने दियो मटके का पानी ना खत्म होने दियो|

एक दिन चूल्हे की आंच बुझ गयी| भागी-भागी बहू पड़ोस में गयी| बोली पड़ोसन मुझे थोड़ी सी आंच दे दो मेरे चूल्हे की आंच बुझ गयी है| मेरे सास ससुर आते ही होंगे| सुबह चार बजे के गंगा जमुना नहाने गए हुए हैं| पड़ोसन ने कहा तू तो बावली है तुझे तो ये यूं ही उठाकर ले आए हैं| इनके सात जन्म भी कोई बेटा नहीं है| बहू बोली, ना इनका बेटा तो काशी जी पढ़ने गया है| बोली ना झूठ बोला है| बोली मैं अब क्या करूँ? उसने कहा जली फूंकी रोटी कर दे, अलुनी दाल कर दे, खीर की कडछी दाल में, दाल की कडछी खीर में कर दे|

उसको पड़ोसन की सीख लग गयी| उसने ऐसा ही किया| सास ससुर आए| आज ना तो आदर सत्कार किया ना ही उनके कपड़े लिए| खाना लगा दिया| सासू बोली बहू ये क्या ये तो जली फुंकी रोटी है, अलुनी दाल है| खालो सासू जी तुम एक दिन खलोगी तो कुछ ना होगा| मुझे तो जीवन भर अलुनी रहना है| सासू बोली बहू को तो पड़ोसन की सीख लग गयी| रात को सो गयी| सुबह भगी-भगी पड़ोसन के घर गयी बोली अब क्या करूँ मैं| बोली सातों कोठो की चाबी मांग ले| जब सासू जाने लगी तो आगे अड़कर खड़ी हो गयी बोली, बाद में जाना पहले मुझे सातों कोठों की चाबी दे दो|

ससुर बोला चाबी दे दो| आज भी इसका, कल भी इसका| हमारा क्या है| आज मारे कल दूसरा दिन| पीछे से बहू ने कोठे खोल के देखे| किसी में अन्न, किसी में धन, किसी में बर्तन, किसी में कपड़े अटूट भंडार भरे पड़े हैं| सातवाँ कोठा खोल के देखा तो उसमे गणेश, लक्ष्मी, पीपल, पथवारी, कार्तिक के ठाकुर राय, दामोदर, तुलसा जी का बिड़ला, छत्तीश करोड़ देवी देवता विराजमान हैं| गंगा जमुना बह रही हैं| तिलक थापे लगाए चौकी पर बैठा एक लड़का माला जप रहा है| बोली तू कौन, मैं तेरा पति हूँ| किवाड़ बंद कर दे| मेरे माँ बाप आएंगे जब खोलियों| अब तो बहू बहुत खुश हुई छत्तीश प्रकार के भोजन बनाए| सोलह शृंगार किया रांची मांची डोले|

सास ससुर आए बड़े प्यार से उनसे बात की, उनके कपड़े धोये, खाना खिलाया| बूढ़ा बोला बहू तो धन देख के राजी हो गयी| बहू सास के पैर दबाती जाए और कहती जाए तुम इतनी दूर बारह कोस गंगा जमुना नहाने जाती हो| थक जाती होगी| तुम घर में नहा लिया करो| सास बोली बावली कहीं घर में भी गंगा जमुना बहती हैं| बहू बोली हाँ माँजी चलो मैं दिखती हूँ| उसने सातवाँ कोठा खोलकर दिखाया तो उसमे गणेश, लक्ष्मी, पीपल, पथवारी, कार्तिक के ठाकुर राय, दामोदर, तुलसा जी का बिड़ला, छत्तीश करोड़ देवी देवता विराजमान हैं| गंगा जमुना बह रही हैं| तिलक थापे लगाए चौकी पर बैठा एक लड़का माला जप रहा है|

माँ बोली तू कौन? बोला माँ मैं तेरा बेटा हूँ तू कहाँ से आया| मुझे तो कार्तिक के देवता ने भेजा है| माँ बोली बेटा ये दुनिया क्या जानेगी| क्या जानेगी मेरे घर का पति (धन)| क्या जानेगी दोरानी जेठानी| क्या जाने अगड़ पड़ोसन कि तू मेरा बेटा है| उसने पंडित से पूछा तो वह बोला परली पार पे बहू बेटा खड़े हों| इस पार बुढ़िया खड़ी हो| चाम की अंगिया पहने हो छती में से दूध की धार निकले बेटे की दाढ़ी मूंछ भींगे, पवन पावनी से गठ जोड़ा बंधे तो सब जाने ये बुढ़िया का बेटा है| उसने ऐसा ही किया| चाम की अंगिया फट गयी छाती में से दूध की धार निकली| बेटे की दाढ़ी मूंछ भीगी| पवन पावनी से बहू बेटे का गठजोड़ा बांध गया| ब्राह्मण ब्राह्मणी बहुत खुश हुये| हे कार्तिक के ठाकुर राय दामोदर कृष्ण भगवान जैसे उसे बहू बेटा दिये वैसे सबको दियो| जैसे उसकी इच्छा पूरी की वैसे सबकी करियों| कहते सुनते हुंकार भरते का|

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Rajasthan BSTC Pre D.El.Ed Result 2022

Rajasthan BSTC Pre D.El.Ed Result 2022

The Department of Primary Education, Government of Rajasthan, conducted the entrance exam for a diploma in Elementary education on October 8, 2022, as we all know. As a result, the BSTC result 2022 Name Wise has been released on November 1st, 2022. 

Panjiyakpredeled. in is the official website for checking the Rajasthan Pre D.EI.Ed entrance test result. Candidates who took the Basic School Teaching Certificate Admission Test (BSTC) can access their scorecards through the use of the direct link provided on this page.

The Department of Primary School Government of Rajasthan offers Diploma in Elementary Education courses in General & Sanskrit to their talented students through the BSTC/Pre-D.EI. Ed exams. A large number of students registered for the BSTC exams, which were successfully held on October 8, 2022.

About the BSTC Pre D.El.Ed Exam

The Rajasthan Education Department holds an annual Rajasthan BSTC Pre DElEd Exam for candidates seeking admission to the state’s polytechnic colleges. The Department of Elementary Education, Government of Rajasthan, conducts the Diploma in elementary education entrance exam for admission to the D.El.Ed. (General/ Sanskrit) course.

The exam was previously known as the Basic School Teaching Certificate (BSTC) exam. The exam is held once a year, and candidates who pass it gain admission to educational institutions/colleges in Rajasthan. The exam score is not transferable to colleges outside of the state. Candidates who wish to pursue the D.El.Ed program must first pass the Pre D.El.Ed entrance exam.

The exam was held at various locations throughout the state and this year 599294 candidates took the exam. The Rajasthan Pre DELEd exam 2022 question paper contained 200 Multiple choice type questions, each worth three points. The exam does not allow for negative markings.

Click here to move to the official website to download the BSTC Pre D.El.Ed Results 2022


If you want to check and download your BSTC Pre D.El.Ed result 2022, you will need the following documents.

  • Application Id of the Candidate.
  • Mobile Number of the Candidate.
  • Roll Number of the candidate


To check the result, candidates should do the following:

  • First, go to Panjiyakpredeled. in, the official website of Rajasthan’s Department of Primary Education.
  • Search for the Rajasthan BSTC Result 2022 now. Download the Link and then choose that link. The following window will appear as and when the candidate visits the official website.

  • Enter all of the requested details, such as your roll number and birth date, and then click on the submit button.
  • If all of your entered information is completely right, your Rajasthan BSTC Result 2022 will be displayed on the screen.
  • If your name and roll number appear on the Rajasthan BSTC Pre D.El.Ed merit list 2022, indicates that you have qualified for the BSTC. Download a copy of the Page for reference in the future.


All candidates must review their Rajasthan BSTC scoresheet and ensure that the following information is correct. If there are any inconsistencies, one must notify the authority immediately and have them corrected.

  • Aspirants Name 
  • Name of Father
  • Roll Number
  • Gender
  • Course
  • Category
  • Hindi/Sanskrit Marks
  • Percentage of 12th standard
  • Sectional marks awarded
  • Maximum Marks
  • Total Marks
  • Serial Number of Counseling


The exact cut-off, based on Difficulty level, will be prepared alongside the result. We have made available the expected cut-off to get a general idea of the Cut-off.


The Rajasthan BSTC Result 2022 will be accompanied by the publication of the merit lists of successful candidates. The Rajasthan Primary Department Of education will begin BSTC 2022 Counseling shortly after the Pre d .el ed result 2022 is announced. 

Those who cleared the BSTC Exam in 2022 are eligible to participate in the Rajasthan D.El.Ed. Counseling procedure the following year. The schedule for BSTC counseling registration will be posted on the department’s official website, @Panjiyakpredeled.in.


The names of qualified candidates will be listed in order of rank in the Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed Merit List, along with other information. The written exam scores of the aspirants will be used to compile the merit list.

Applicants for admission to the state’s D.El.Ed. colleges will be decided to invite based on their merit ranks. During the counseling process, the merit list will be used to determine seat allocation.


The BSTC 2022 Counseling process will commence with registration, followed by course and college selection, and finally seat allocation. The following is a list of all important documentation required for counseling:

  • Admit Card for Rajasthan BSTC/Pre D.El.Ed 2022
  • Hard Copy of BSTC Pre Exam Scoresheet
  • Proof of any valid photo identity.
  • Certificate of Caste
  • Certificate of Character
  • Certificate of Residence if applicable
  • Marksheets for Class 10th and 12th Exams
  • Photographs in passport size

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कार्तिक मास तुलसी जी की कथा | Tulsi ki katha | बुढ़िया और तुलसी की कहानी

कार्तिक के महीने में सब कोई तुलसी माता को सींचने जाती| सब कोई तो सींच के आ जातीं, पर एक बुढ़िया मई आती और तुलसा माता से रोजाना कहती तुलसा माता सत की दाता, मैं बिड़ला सींचू तेरा तू कर निस्तारा मेरा, तुलसा माता अड़ुआ दे लडुवा दे, पीताम्बर की धोती दे, मीठा मीठा गास दे, बैकुंठ का वास दे, चटके की चाल दे पटके की मौत दे, चन्दन का काठ दे, झालर की झींडकार दे, साई का राज दे दाल भात का ज़ीमान दे, ग्यारस का दिन दे, कृष्ण का कंधा दे|

इतनी बात सुनकर तुलसा माता सूखने लगीं| भगवान ने पूछा की तुम्हारे पास तो इतनी औरतें आती हैं तुम्हें जिमामे गावें, तो भी तुम कैसे सूखने लगीं| तुलसा माता ने कहा कि एक बुढ़िया माई आती है जो रोजाना इतनी बात कहकर जाती हैं| मैं और तो सब कुछ दे दूँगी पर आप कृष्ण जी कांधा कहाँ से दूँगी|

थोड़े दिन बाद बुढ़िया माई मर गयी| सब कोई उसको उठाने लगे, पर वह इतनी भरी हो गयी कि उठे ही नही| सब कोई कहने लगे, पाप घाट की माला फेरती जिससे इतनी भारी हो गयी| भगवान बूढ़े ब्राह्मण का रूप धारण करके आए, सबसे पूछने लगी इतनी भीड़ क्यूँ हो रही है| सब बोले एक बुढ़िया मर गयी है, पापन थी इसलिए किसी से नहीं उठती| जब भगवान बोले कि इसके कान में मुझे एक बात कहने दो तो यह उठ जाएगी| सबने कहा कि तू भी मन की निकाल ले|

भगवान ने जाकर उसके कान में बुढ़िया माईं तू बिड़ला सींचे मेरा, मैं करूँ निस्तारा तेरा, बुढ़िया माईं अड़ुआ ले गड़ुवा ले, पीताम्बर की धोती ले, मीठा-मीठा गास ले, बैकुंठ का वास ले, चटके की चाल ले, पटके की मौत ले, चन्दन का काठ ले, झालर का झींडकार ले, साईं का राज ले, दाल भात का जीमन ले, कृष्ण का कांधा ले| इतना सुनते ही बुढ़िया माई हल्की हो गयी भगवान कांधे पर ले गए, उसकी मुक्ति हो गयी| हे तुलसा माता, जैसे उसकी मुक्ति करी ऐसी हमारी करियों| जैसे उसको कांधा दियो वैसे सबको दियो|  

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PM Modi to Visit the Morbi Bridge Tragedy Site Today

There may have been up to 135 fatalities in the tragedy, including 40 women as well as 34 children. At least 2 persons, according to officials on Monday, are still missing. When it fell on Sunday evening at Morbi, this suspension bridge of colonial-era across the Machchhu river was crowded with tourists, dropping them around 10 ms into the water.
About the Bridge
During British administration in the 19th century, this 754 feet or 230m bridge over the Machchu River was constructed. As per the state’s tourism site, Morbi Bridge is called an “artistic and technological masterpiece,” was a popular local tourist destination and only recently reopened post being closed for renovations for several months. Morbi is recognized for its factories that make ceramic tiles, building materials, as well as wall clocks.
The arrival of PM Modi at the Morbi Bridge collapse scene
Prime Minister Narendra Modi went to the scene of the bridge collapse at Morbi on Tuesday to assess the situation while the search operation within the Machchhu River is still ongoing. Bhupendra Patel, the chief minister of Gujarat, was with him.
The injured were also met by him at Morbi Civil Hospital. “We are grateful to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for staying with us in this hard time and guiding us to lead Gujarat out of this grief,” Patel stated earlier during the day.
Delhi CM- Arvind Kejriwal’s statement
Arvind Kejriwal, the CM of Delhi, said that “vast corruption” was to blame for the Morbi bridge collapse within Gujarat, which has so far alleged 135 lives. He questioned during one press conference, “Why was a watchmaking company which had no experience of bridge construction allowed to do so?”
Rescue Efforts
The appeal for a judicial investigation into the bridge collapse has been scheduled for consideration on Monday, November 14 by the Supreme Court. On Tuesday, rescue efforts remained active over the Machchhu river. VVN Prasanna Kumar, NDRF Commandant said, “It is suspected that some bodies may be there on the floor of the river, so we resumed the operation with the help of our deep divers”.
Death toll
Although police reported that nearly everyone thought to be missing has already been located, the death toll from the collapse of the Morbi footbridge increased to 135 today. Locals assembled on the river’s banks as the rescue activities by the Indian navy, army, as well as NDRF forces proceeded.
The death toll might increase further
Nevertheless, locals at the site of the collapsed bridge on Tuesday reported to Reuters that they thought well over 200 people stood on it and were concerned that the number of deaths might increase.
PM visits those engaged in rescue and relief efforts
The Prime Minister encountered those engaged in relief and rescue efforts after the calamity devastated Morbi. In the Machchhu River, a rescue and search operation is in progress.
Morbi Civil Hospital visit by PM Modi
When the Morbi bridge collapsed, the injured were taken to the Civil Hospital in Morbi by Gujarat CM Bhupendra Patel and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Ex-gratia for Morbi victims announced
Every deceased person’s family would receive an ex-gratia payment of 4 lakhs from the state government plus 2 lakhs from PMNRF. The injured would receive a payment of 50,000 each. Up to 17 people are still hospitalised. According to Rajendra Trivedi, the minister responsible for disaster management in Gujarat, 2 people are still missing.
Bridge renovation company locks up its farmhouse
Following the collapse of the Morbi bridge within the state, which claimed the lives of more than 130 people, the Oreva firm in Gujarat’s Ahmedabad has shut its farm. The Morbi Bridge was renovated by the company Oreva.
Concerns regarding the contract company
The Gujarat government was questioned by the Congress leaders and Mr Kejriwal about why the 140-year-old river bridge was chosen for repair and management by Oreva, which has never been built or maintained as a regular bridge, let alone one with such complex mechanical components.
On Monday, Congress spokesman Pawan Khera referred to Gujarat’s department of urban development as the “epicenter of corruption” and urged that the minister as well as other officials be subjected to criminal prosecution for their involvement in the bridge disaster.
• PM Modi visits families of those who perished in the bridge collapse event
• The PM was informed by officials about the rescue operations and the aid given to people in need. The PM emphasized the importance of conducting a thorough investigation to uncover all the factors that contributed to this accident.
• According to PM Modi, the government must keep in touch with the impacted families and make sure they get all the assistance they can during this terrible time.
• Senior officials gather at a high-level meeting led by PM Modi to discuss the bridge collapse disaster.
National Mourning
In the evaluation meeting conducted at the Raj Bhawan, this was decided to declare a day of mourning within the state on November 2 in memory of the people who lost their lives in the tragic bridge incident in Morbi, an ex-princely state that is now a significant bustling town close to Rajkot in the Saurashtra area of Gujarat.
The entire town was shut down as it mourned the innocent lives that were lost when a weekend stroll across the historic bridge, which has been a defining feature of Morbi for more than a century, transformed into a bloodbath.
The residents of Morbi, a little town popularly known for its developing ceramic industry, have been crushed by the disaster, which is the worst to hit the nation in several years.
Reference link
: Indian Express (https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/ahmedabad/morbi-bridge-collapse-gujarat-live-updates-8239755/)

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लक्ष्मी जी की कथा

एक ब्राह्मण था| रोज पीपल में जल चढ़ाता था| पीपल में से लड़की कहती पिताजी मैं तेरे साथ चलूँगी| ब्राह्मण सूखने लगा| ब्राह्मणी बोली क्यूँ सूखते जा रहे हो| ब्राह्मण बोला पीपल में से एक लड़की कहती है पिताजी मैं तेरे साथ चलूँगी| ब्राह्मणी बोली कल उस लड़की को ले आना| जहां छ: लड़की हैं वहीं सातवीं सही|

ब्राह्मण दूसरे दिन उस लड़की को ले आया| अब आटा मांगने गया तो थैला भर-भर के मिला| जब ब्राह्मणी आटा छानने लगी तो वो लड़की बोली माँ मैं छानुंगी| ब्राह्मणी बोली, ना बेटी पावनी| मैं कर लूँगी| तू धोली धोली हो जाएगी| बेटी बोली ना माँ, मैं ही छानुंगी| अब उसने छाना तो परात भर गयी| जब ब्राह्मणी खाना बनाने लगी तो बेटी बोली माँ खाना मेँ बनाऊँगी| माँ बोली न बेटी तेरी उंगली जल जाएगी| बेटी बोली न माँ मैं ही बनाऊँगी| रसोई मेँ गयी और छत्तीश प्रकार के भोजन बनाए| सबको पेट भर-भर के खिला दिया| और दिन तो सब भूखे रहते थे उस दिन सभी ने पेट भर भर के खाया|

ब्राह्मणी का भाई आया बोला जीजी मुझे तो भूख लगी है| रोटी खाऊँगा: बहन सूखने लगी| ब्राह्मणी सोचने लगी “अब सबने खाना खा लिया पर इसको कहाँ से खिलाऊँगी”| बेटी बोली माँ क्या बात है तो माँ बोली तेरा मामा आया है रोटी खाएगा| बेटी रसोई में गयी और जाकर छत्तीश तरह के भोजन बनाए और लाकर मामा को जिमा दिया| मामा बोला जीजी ऐसा भोजन कभी ना खाया जैसा आज खाया है| ब्राह्मणी बोली भाई ये खाना तेरी पावनी भांजी ने बनाया है| मामा खाना खाके चला गया|

शाम हुई बेटी बोली माँ चौका लगा के चौका का दीया जला दियो आज मैं कोठे मेँ सोउंगी| माँ बोली ना बेटी तू डर जाएगी पर बेटी ना मानी और जिद्द करके कोठे मेँ सो गयी| अब आधी रात को उठी चारों तरफ आँख मारी धन ही धन हो गया| बेटी जाने लगी| बाहर बूढ़ा ब्राह्मण सो रहा था| बेटी को जाते देख उससे पूछने लगा बेटी तू कहाँ चली? वो बोली मैं तो लक्ष्मी माता हूँ| इसके छ: छ: बेटी हैं इसलिए इसकी दरिद्रता दूर करने आई थी| तुझे भी अपनी दरिद्रता दूर करवानी हो तो तू भी करवा ले| अब उसके घर में चारों तरफ आँख फिराई तो धन ही धन हो गया| सवेरे उठ के ढूंढ मची पावनी बेटी कहाँ गयी| ब्राह्मण बोला वो तो लक्ष्मी माता थी तेरे साथ साथ मेरे भी दरिद्र दूर कर गयी| जैसे लक्ष्मी माता ने उसका दरिद्र दूर किया वैसा सबका करें| कहते सुनते हुंकारा भरते का|

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If You are the Owner of a Business, Can You Pay Yourself as an Employee/ Tax Relaxation?

Your pay is one of the simplest things to forget as a business owner whenever you’re considering your business costs. The two most popular ways to pay oneself are a salary and an owner’s draw. Depending on your company’s structure, phase of development, and other variables, you can decide how much money you want to pay yourself as a company owner.
Both entrepreneurs and business owners must pay income tax on the profits their company makes. This could be a sizable sum, therefore they constantly look for deductions as well as exemptions to reduce their tax liability. Among the most difficult concepts to grasp is the income tax.
Why is owner compensation significant?
It’s crucial for both you and your business that you compensate yourself. Your books won’t fairly reflect the health of your business if you don’t budget for your compensation because you represent a sizable portion of your expenses. You won’t know if you need to increase pricing, market more, lower expenditures, or make other modifications that will assist your company to prosper unless you take into account all expenses.
As a small business owner, you should also pay yourself for the following reasons: You may be able to provide yourself with a tax discount if you set aside a portion of your overall business income as a personal wage, based on the organizational structure of the company.
Although you might be tempted to labor for nothing, you should understand that your time is valuable.
Below are the two basic methods for calculating salary:
• Customize your pay to your spending
• Use the profits as your wage
5 key points for determining your pay
• Paying yourself a regular income based on a portion of your monthly earnings average is a good idea if your company is well-established and lucrative.
• Never establish your monthly compensation at a level that could ever put a financial strain on your organization.
• To lower your self-employment tax obligation, think about switching to an S company as your organization form or tax treatment.
• Take various profit distributions on a routine basis, but only if doing so won’t strain the company.
• As part of your total compensation, periodically examine your salary and make any necessary adjustments depending on the company’s financial situation and income.
Rules to pay yourself
• Owners of businesses can choose to either pay themselves salaries or spread-out profits over the course of the year.
• A business owner’s tax burden may be considerably impacted by how they are paid.
• While there are no hard-and-fast laws regarding pay for business owners, there are significant tax plus cash flow consequences to take into account.
How can small business owners pay themselves?
1. Select the Type of Business
Your company is the starting point for everything. In reality, it serves as the basis for the entire payroll procedure and will guide you toward the best payment method for you.
2. Select the Most Effective Payment Method
This portion will vary depending on your corporation type, business strategy, and length of operation.
You have two options for paying yourself as a business owner:
Salary: You pay yourself a monthly salary plus deduct taxes from it, just as you would for an employee of the company. Companies which are organized as C-corporations, S-corporations, or LLCs-limited liability companies subject to corporate taxation are required by law to comply with this. According to the IRS’s “reasonable” compensation standard, your pay should be equal to what someone else in the sector earning the same position would earn.
• Stable, ongoing costs that you should factor into overall business costs
• Taxes are taken upfront
Not adaptable- Even though business is slow, you must adhere to the reasonable compensation criterion when setting your salary.
Owner’s draw: You periodically take money (in currency or kind) from the profits/revenues of your company. Owner’s equity also referred to as your equity in the company, is the maximum you can withdraw. Although you are not required to pay taxes in advance each time you withdraw money, it is a good idea to budget for the tax payment by routinely setting aside money.
Pro tip: Regardless of the method of payment you select, bear in mind that you would eventually need to pay taxes on that sum, if not right away, then at some point, in the future. It’s really important to prepare for this in advance to avoid being surprised by a hefty tax payment. Do your research in advance because several payroll solutions would take care of this for you effortlessly.
The flexibility-Your draw may be based on how well your firm does.
A tax bill at the finish of the year must be planned for in your budget.
3. Choose an Amount
Next, figure out how much to give yourself once you’ve selected the appropriate type. You should pay yourself a salary which is related to your responsibilities and positions your company for long-term success. Here is a useful guide to assist you in determining how much to pay yourself.
Examine your profit and loss (P&L) statements carefully to determine how much net profit you’re generating every month. Then, take your pay—not the overall revenue—out of that sum.
This is so that you may pay yourself from the money that is left over post paying for your essential business costs, such as supplies, paying your amazing staff, rent, and everything else required to keep your firm operating profitably.
The IRS also mandates that all wages paid by employers be deemed reasonable, that simply means that they must be equivalent to what you would earn if you held the same position at a different organisation.
Try to identify the most frequent jobs you perform, and then calculate the cost of hiring someone to complete those duties. It is occasionally referred to as your “true wage,” and it’s extremely cool to approach your work in such a complex manner.
4. Select a Payroll Calendar
You should consider how frequently you would like to pay yourself when your company employs at least one person, including you. The twice-monthly, every two weeks, as well as weekly payroll patterns, are the most common in the US.
Several states require you to adhere to a basic calendar. The primary idea is that you could always pay yourself more frequently but never less frequently than the specific timetable set down by your state.
5. Receive your pay
Now that you’ve gotten this far, it’s time to get paid. Use this opportunity to celebrate what you’ve achieved because it’s a significant milestone for your company.
Paying yourself can be as simple as writing a check as well as depositing it in your bank account, or this could happen even faster when you select direct deposit. Simply put, direct deposit indicates that the funds are deposited directly into your bank account.
To effectively plan, find out exactly when you would have access to the money before choosing between the two.
Factors determining your pay
These aspects determine how you pay yourself:
Business organization

You could only accept a salary or/and an owner’s draw when your company is a sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, S-corporation, or C-corporation. In general, when your business is a partnership, sole proprietorship, or LLC, you could take an owner’s draw, plus when it is a corporation or an LLC taxed as a company, you could take a salary. The business structure’s needs and tax benefits can be explained to you by an accountant.
Business stage
Many business entrepreneurs initially turn down all financing. However as soon as your company is more stable or when you have a good idea of cash flow, start considering paying yourself such that you may include that aggregate of the business’s operating expenses.
Personal finances
Your commitments, like a mortgage, vehicle loan, and essential costs, should all be covered by the payment amount plus the manner you choose.
Mistakes to avoid while paying yourself
• Combining business and personal finances
• Leaving taxes out of the budget
• Never pay yourself or pay yourself inconsistently
How to get tax relaxation when paying yourself as an employee?
Employ your relatives and family members
Employing family members might be a substantial tax-saving measure. They might be paid in a manner comparable to that of ordinary workers.
Transportation and lodging
Entrepreneurs frequently travel for professional reasons. Book your travel and lodging on the company’s dime rather than out of your pocket starting with your next trip if you want to avoid taxes. This could be written off from the firm’s taxable income as a business expense.
Spend more money on marketing
When you’re still dependent on conventional forms of promotion, it’s time to make the shift to digital marketing since it provides you access to a broader audience and raises the possibility that you’ll draw in new customers. Since marketing expenses are tax deductible, you will also benefit from this in terms of taxes.
Commercial Utilities
The usage of vehicles and phones by business owners enables them to demonstrate that these expenses are associated to utilities.
Among the business utility costs that are eligible for deductions include:
• Initial expenses: All expenses incurred prior to the establishment of the enterprise are deductible under the Income Tax Act-Section 35D. These are part of the original costs and subtracted from taxable income in a tenure of five-years.
• Convenience costs: When you frequently use a vehicle or a phone for work, these costs are deductible from the company’s books as business expenses.
• Regular expenses: When you run your business out of your house, you can write off your power costs as “head of the company.” Rent costs and other expenses incurred because of an internet connection are indeed deductible.
• Depreciation-Tax deductions for depreciation of all capital expenses are also allowed under the “income of firm” category. You must use company money to make capital investments and submit depreciation claims in order to reduce your tax liability.
Medical Insurance
Insurance premiums up to Rs 25,000 can be taken off as a tax deduction as per the Income Tax Act, 1961-Section 80D. This applies to your parents as well as you, your spouse, and your children. This doesn’t apply to you if you hold a full-time employment and a business both at the same time while your employer provides health insurance.
Deduct tax properly at the source
Certain parts of the Income Tax Act permit business owners who are paying for a service or product to deduct tax from their payments to the vendor. If not, such costs won’t be reimbursed, which will result in owing higher taxes.
Donating money offers you the delight of doing good deeds as well as tax advantages. Donations made to recognised charities as well as funds, like PM’s relief fund, can help you reduce your taxes. You can donate to a recognised political party in order to be eligible for tax advantages.
Housing Loan
When you think it’s not advantageous to buy a house with a bank loan, you’re mistaken. This is a long-term asset with the potential for significant growth and offers tax benefits. When you integrated your PAN with the company, you may be entitled to claim tax deductions of as much as Rs 1,50,000 per year as per Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.
Manufacturing-related businesses receive substantial tax advantages. Companies can reduce up to 20% more often than usual in depreciation in the year they are taken into service (as per Section 35AD) when building new equipment and machinery over the course of a year.
Digital Transactions
Paying your employees in cash would not be a good choice in this digital age. You will also be included on the income tax department’s “red list.” This is prohibited in your accounting records to pay someone over Rs 20,000 in cash within a single transaction.
Making important choices regarding your personal and company taxes can also be part of setting up your compensation as a business owner. Hire a specialist to assist you with these matters. Prior to making any choices, talk to your CPA if you have one.

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What business can I start to open my company? I do not have much capital.

I don’t have a lot of money to invest, but I want to start a business so that I can be a successful businessperson and run my own company. Do you ask yourself this question when looking for a good source of income to help you make money? If so, don’t bother; we are here to help you find the best businesses to start with little money.

You are sick of working for an employer and crave the freedom and responsibility that comes with running your own company. Finding a good idea is only half of the battle when it comes to starting a business. The other half is paying for it.

An excellent business idea with no capital does not mean your entrepreneurial journey will be over. There are numerous ways to start a business without spending a dime. Most of the time, all you need is an entrepreneurship and innovation mindset, which includes perseverance, work and effort, creative thinking, and a willingness to experiment with new things.


The first step is to investigate what it takes to formally “start” a business and which items are costly. Here is the list of all the requirements that one needs to start a new business.

  • Planning
  • License for business
  • A domain name
  • A web address
  • Marketing
  • Products
  • Types of equipment


The significant costs involved with starting a business are the topmost reason why many individuals with an entrepreneurial mindset do not pursue their business dreams. However, if you are dedicated and put in some good vintage hard work, you can start many businesses today with minimal or no funding. If you want to start a low-cost business, these nine suggestions will help you get started.

The creation of content social networking and the 24-hour news spiral has created an ideal storm of opportunity for creatives such as writers and graphic artists, who can use their skills to create high-quality, useful content for business owners and media sources. It’s easier than ever to market oneself as an expert service provider, thanks to the growing global marketplace of freelance and contract employees.

1.Services for event planning

If you are a highly structured, detail-oriented individual who enjoys throwing parties, you might be the right individual to start an event-planning business. Event planners make it simple for others to host thrilling parties such as wedding ceremonies, birthday celebrations, as well as class reunions.

 Planning a few nonprofit events will help you gain the necessary experience. Build a solid database of distributors and contacts through LinkedIn and cold calling so you can assist your customers in organizing the celebration of their dreams.

2. Language instruction and practice

Do you speak multiple languages? If yes, then, you have a bright opportunity to start a business teaching a language or holding language discussion practice sessions. The day is not far when you will have your organization that engages in teaching different languages based on one’s interests.

3. Blogging

While not a novel concept, monetization blogging is always a popular pick for a low-cost business. There are innumerable methods for monetizing your blog, including affiliate partnership agreements, online book production, online classes, and web conferencing.

 Some of these are more effective than others, as certain blog niche markets are more popular and easier to monetize than others. Elegance, cooking, and parent-child blogs, for instance, are among the most widely known niches and will thus be easier to monetize.

4. Online Entrepreneurship

Small business ideas have the chance to expand into major corporations over time, and the Internet and related technologies can certainly help. It has been proven that small business owners with an online footprint perform better than those without a digital presence. 

Surprisingly, this start-up proposed project is centered on offering a variety of internet services to various small and medium-sized companies. This is why experts in social media influencers, Vloggers, reviewers, Search engine specialists, web developers, and designers are in such high demand at the moment. Mobile phones, basic laptops, software, and high-speed internet service are all that are required for such businesses.

5. Tour Companies and Travel Agencies

A few certifications and an attractive office in a great location can assist you in establishing and managing a tour company or becoming a tour operator. A successful travel company can make others travel comfortably and conveniently for their customers. A good understanding of domestic and international routes, attractions, flying fares, and accommodation costs can be extremely beneficial.

6. Boutique Owner

Why not start with a local boutique if you want to build your fashion enterprise? Build excitement with eye-catching clothing, motivating social media accounts, and active volunteerism. While you can open a retail outlet, you can easily begin online — and if that proves profitable, you can open a physical store.

7. Owner of a Specialty Food Store

To begin your specialty food store, you should customize and source items from makers you appreciate and respect, and trust. Ask around your vicinity for local makers of the food you want to sell, and the makers will most likely be open to collaboration, especially if they get a portion of the profits.

When the time comes to sell, you’ll want to find a location, but if that’s too much of an investment, you can begin by setting up booths at street festivals and marketplaces. You can also go the online store route and sell the products through your website, taking care to pack perishable goods carefully.

8. Private Chef

We all enjoy eating, but very few of us have the energy or time to prepare nutritionally dense, tasty meals. Promote your services to both local businesses and families. Making future decisions certain groups of clients together — say, vegetarian dishes — to cook greater amounts of the same dish to save on start-up costs.

9. Social media strategist

Larger companies employ an agency or a full-time employee to maintain their Facebook, Twitter, and blog accounts, but small businesses frequently have to handle their social media advertising. With so many other authorities and responsibilities, business owners may be too preoccupied or overwhelmed to devise an effective social media strategic plan.

You can assist them in determining the best strategies, and posting work schedules, and content for their intended audience as an advisor. Your business will grow in tandem with its follower count.


Your lack of initial investment will become less of an issue once your business is up and running and earning revenue. Profits from your venture can be invested back or used to start another, larger business.

You should now realize that you do not require a significant amount of money to start a business. You can get one to begin for practically nothing. You simply need to understand which kinds of organizations work best in that framework.

Pursue your vision,

Not the money,

Money will eventually find its way to you.

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