Blowing the brain cells of movie freaks, Ryan Reynolds drops the bomb-shell announcement of Hugh Jackman stepping feet into the Deadpool 3 cast as “Wolverine”. This news has snared the attention of all social media platforms.
Ryan Reynold is the Hollywood actor who captivated the bosom of all movie fanatics by playing the role, of Wade Wilson aka Deadpool in the Deadpool movie.
Deadpool is a movie released in 2016 by Marvel Studios. This movie centres around Wade Wilson, who is a former Special Force Operative working as a mercenary.
The mundane mercenary Wilson caught in the hands of the evil Scientist Ajax(Ed Skrein), ends up being scourged, tortured, disfigured and transforms into Deadpool. Shattered by the transformation yet gifted with hastened healing power and a smacking sense of humour, is what Deadpool now. Anger boarded on mind, Deadpool along with other mutants decides to avenge the person who is responsible for his current condition.
Banging with the strong story and marvellous acting skills, Ryan Reynolds turned the movie into a fantabulous hit show. Following the success of Deadpool, Deadpool 2 was created with a much stealthier story and released in 2018.
Putting comma to the Deadpool series, Deadpool 3 is on board for filming. The plot of the movie is critically analysed and developed by Marvel Studios.
In the process of pulling off the story to a huge peak of success, the direction crew has decided to blunge the “Wolverine” character into Deadpool 3.
The role of “Wolverine” in X-Men was played by Hugh Jackman. In this movie, he enacted as a mutant with enormous fastened healing power along with metallic blades arising from his knuckles. X-Men movie turned out to be a super-duper hit among the cinema industry universely.
Deadpool and X-Men individually being a blockbuster will be much more power-packed and visual-treat for the audience.
Confirming this most anticipated news, Ryan Reynolds has released a video. The video was captioned, “Hard keeping my mouth sewn shut about this one”. In this video, Ryan Reynolds expresses, “I’ve had to really search my soul on this one. His first appearance in the movie needs to feel special. We need to stay true to the character and find new depth, motivation, and meaning. Every ‘Deadpool’ needs to stand out and stand apart. It’s been an incredible challenge that forced me to reach down deep inside. And…I have nothing. Yeah, just completely empty up here. And terrifying. But we did have one idea.
Hugh Jackman was seen behind Ryan. Ryan asks, “Hey, Hugh, you want to play Wolverine one more time?” Hugh replies chuckling, “Yeah, sure, Ryan”.
The video turns dark with the tag “Coming Hugh” subtitled as “I will always love Hugh”. Ends with the Deadpool logo appearing followed by getting slashed up with Wolverine’s adamantium claws.
Though the “Wolverine” character has been depicted dead in the 2016 “Logan” movie, his entry back into “Deadpool 3” would be a super quizzy sequel for everyone.
Goosebumps have already started spotting on the Marvel fans. The release of Deadpool 3 would turn into a glorious festival in Hollywood cinemas.
All the best to the entire movie crew for the thundering outcome of Deadpool 3.